EduClips: Eruptions Threaten Hawaii Charter Schools; In CA, Education Watchers Turn to State Superintendent Battle — and More Must-Reads From America’s 15 Biggest School Districts

EduClips is a roundup of the day’s top education headlines from America’s largest school districts, where more than 4 million students across eight states attend class every day. Read previous EduClips installments here. Get the day’s top school and policy news delivered straight to your inbox by signing up for the TopSheet Education Newsletter.
Top Story
TEACHER STRESS — As educators across the country have launched protests over teacher pay, national attention has focused on states where teacher salaries fall below the country’s average.
But some teachers in states with the highest teacher pay are struggling as well, as the rising cost of living in these areas often outpaces their salaries.
This kind of financial stress is linked to higher rates of teacher absenteeism—and even teachers leavingthe profession altogether, according to a new study. (Read at Education Week)
National News
TEACHER’S UNIONS — Could the Next Strike in Education Be Against the Teachers’ Union? (Read at Education Week)
DC GRADUATION SCANDAL — In Emergency Move, DC Council Passes a Possible Reprieve for Chronically Absent Seniors — the Latest Response to the District’s Graduation Scandal (Read at
ESSA — Can Districts Use ESSA Funds to Buy Crossing Guard Signs? (Read at Politics K-12)
FLORIDA SHOOTING — Parkland Students Give Surprise Tonys Performance After Teacher Gets Award (Read at New York Times)
G7 — G7 summit: $3bn pledge for girls’ education (Read at BBC)
DEVOS — Betsy DeVos: America Can Learn a Lot From Swiss Apprenticeships (Read at Politics K-12)
District and State News
HAWAII — Eruption Threatens Future Of Some Big Island Charter Schools (Read at Honolulu Civil Beat)
CALIFORNIA — With California’s Would-Be ‘Education Governor’ Eliminated in the Primary, Focus on State’s Schools Shifts to Nation’s Top Superintendent Battle (Read at
FLORIDA — Commentary: Florida must stop paying $1 billion a year to ‘educate’ children in fringe religious nonsense (Read at Orlando Sentinel)
PENNSYLVANIA — Philly school district proposes to renew 16 charters, move to close one (Read at The Philadelphia Inquirer)
NEW YORK — Six new charter schools could open in New York City following Regents vote (Read at Chalkbeat)
CALIFORNIA — Editorial | Don’t make California’s education debate just about charter schools (Read at San Diego Union-Tribune)
ILLINOIS — New plan would add administrative spending to State Report Card (Read at Illinois News Network)
NEW YORK — EXCLUSIVE: Bronx school paints over famous New Deal-era mural (Read at New York Daily News)
NEVADA — COMMENTARY: The Clark County School District’s spin (Read at Las Vegas Review-Journal)
TEXAS — Texas an education model for Oklahoma on more than teacher pay (Read at News OK)
Think Pieces
INTEGRATION — Bradford: Integration Is the New Poverty — at Least When It Comes to Crafting Excuses for America’s Underperforming Schools (Read at
K12 EDUCATION — Century-Old Decisions That Impact Children Every Day (Read at NPR)
RETIREES — ‘It is a dream volunteer job.’ So why don’t more schools embrace retiree help? (Read at Washington Post)
SEXUAL MISCONDUCT — This valedictorian began to talk about sexual misconduct at her graduation. Then her mic was cut. (Read at Washington Post)
SCHOOL SAFETY — The Department of Education wants to make schools safer. But it won’t say how. (Read at EdScoop)
Quote of the Day
“All the goodness and tragedy that has brought me to this point will never be erased.” — Melody Herzfeld, a drama teacher who hunkered with her students in a classroom at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February as a gunman massacred 17 people, after accepting the excellence in theater education prize at the Tony Awards. (Read at New York Times)
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