Monthly QuotED: Of School Safety, Parental Choice, and Teachers Running for Office — 5 Notable Quotes That Made Education Headlines in July

QuotED is a roundup of the most notable quotes behind America’s top education headlines — taken from our daily EduClips, which spotlights morning headlines from America’s 15 largest school districts. Read previous EduClips installments here.
“I believe that parent choice is widespread in America — unless you are poor.” —Howard Fuller, school choice advocate and distinguished professor of education at Marquette University. (Read at

“There’s a strong drive by the security industry to push their products under a target-hardening approach to school safety. But is this the best use of time, energy, and resources right now? My answer is ‘no.’ ” —Kenneth Trump, school safety consultant. (Read at Education Week)
“Just because I’ve filed more than one complaint, that doesn’t make me a ‘frequent flyer.’ It makes me a repeat victim.” —Joy Orton, who has repeatedly filed civil rights complaints with the U.S. Department of Education on behalf of her daughter, who is blind. The department has recently cracked down on those who file repeat complaints. (Read at NPR)

“The anger and resentment that led to the strike, those feelings have been here for a long, long time. A lot of teachers had been dissatisfied with people who have no experience in education, no real vested interest in education, dictating laws and dictating policy.” —Cody Thompson, a high school social studies and civics teacher in Elkins, West Virginia, who filed to run for the state house this year. (Read at Education Week)

“You can’t do this in a vacuum. If you don’t bring parents and families along with you, you’re building a sand castle by the sea.” —Parent activist Keri Rodrigues Lorenzo. (Read at
For a roundup of the day’s top education headlines from America’s 15 largest school districts, go to EduClips.
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