EduClips: Mass Shooting at Florida High School; Stalled Chancellor Search in NYC — and More Must-Reads From America’s 15 Biggest School Districts

EduClips is a roundup of the day’s top education headlines from America’s largest school districts, where more than 4 million students across eight states attend class every day. Read previous EduClips installments here. Get the day’s top school and policy news delivered straight to your inbox by signing up for the TopSheet Education Newsletter.
Top Story
SCHOOL SHOOTING — What is known about the Valentine’s Day slayings at a South Florida high school suggests the carnage was planned with chilling precision: The alleged shooter — armed with an assault-style weapon — pulled a fire alarm and waited as his victims began pouring into the halls.
What remained to be unraveled Thursday was what drove the teenage suspect, Nikolas Cruz, to bring his rage to a school he once attended and claim the lives of students he once called classmates — in what would become the nation’s second deadliest public school shooting, with a toll of at least 17 lives. (Read at The Washington Post)
National News
The victims of the Douglas High mass shooting (Read at The Miami Herald)
Florida shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz: Guns, depression and a life in trouble (Read at The Washington Post)
Florida school shooting: Security, training ‘not enough’ to stop tragedy (Read at USA Today)
Florida School Shooting: Superintendent ‘Never Thought’ He’d See Such Tragedy in His District (Read at Education Week)
Florida lawmakers repeatedly denied pleas for more school-safety money (Read at USA Today)
DACA — As DACA Deadline Looms, Young Immigrants Plan for the Unknown (Read at The Wall Street Journal)
ABSENTEEISM — Students can’t learn if they don’t show up at school (Read at The Hechinger Report)
FLU EPIDEMIC — Schools in Texas, Massachusetts, Oklahoma & Tennessee Mourn Educators (Read at
DEVOS — DeVos Dogged by Failures to Disclose (Read at U.S. News & World Report)
TECHNOLOGY — Teachers want to prepare students for the jobs of the future — but feel stymied (Read at The Hechinger Report)
District and State News
NEW YORK — Months of Searching Still Hasn’t Found New Schools Chancellor (Read at The New York Times)
TEXAS — Paxton: Three Texas school districts illegally endorsed politicians (Read at the Austin American-Statesman)
ILLINOIS — Old Idea Could Change School Funding Dollars (Read at NPR Illinois)
NEVADA — CCSD Trustee says school police need more funding to protect students (Read at KTNV)
CALIFORNIA — With support instead of punishment, a California school district works to improve special education (Read at EdSource)
PENNSYLVANIA — Protesters decry Philly district’s ‘overreach’ with charters (Read at the Philadelphia Inquirer)
NEW YORK — Brooklyn school therapist sues principal for targeting her for being an Orthodox Jew (Read at the New York Daily News)
CALIFORNIA — Enrollment season: Bay Area parents pin hopes on coveted schools’ lotteries (Read at the Mercury News)
Think Pieces
SCHOOL SHOOTINGS — Why security measures won’t stop school shootings (Read at Education Week)
DACA — Study finds DACA encourages undocumented kids to stay in school, as Congress ponders their future (Read at Chalkbeat)
TEACHER VACANCIES — Brookings: New Revelations About Teacher Vacancies — and Which Students Go to Those Schools (Read at
ECONOMY — OPINION: Here’s an economic engine that powers communities: School (Read at The Hechinger Report)
CHARTERS — Manno: Return of the Jedi — Progressive K-12 Reformers Strike Back in Defense of Charter Schools (Read at
BLACK PANTHER — Black Panther Proves That Our Kids Need More Black Superheroes, Both on the Screen and in the Classroom (Read at Education Post)
Quote of the Day
“I think everyone in this school had it in the back of their mind that if anyone was supposed to do it, it was most likely gonna be him.” —Dakota Mutchler, who went to middle school with Nikolas Cruz, 19, suspected of killing 17 people at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. (Read at The Washington Post)
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