
Watch: Education Experts and District Leaders Talk Reopening Schools (and Preserving Student Learning) Amid the Delta Variant

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The school year has barely begun in many parts of the U.S., and already the COVID-19 pandemic is creating chaos for students, parents and educators. In some districts, hundreds of students have been infected, and thousands are being quarantined. The Governors of Texas and Florida have banned mask mandates, but some school boards are rebelling. What IS the best way to get children back in the classroom, safely, and begin recovering from the past two years of pandemic learning loss? That’ll be the question on the table Tuesday when The 74 and the Progressive Policy Institute host their next panel discussion: “​​Brilliance and Resilience: Going Above and Beyond to Educate America’s Students.” You can register here and get the Zoom link, or refresh this page at 1 p.m. Eastern to watch live.

If the video isn’t playing, click here to watch via Facebook.

The panel will hear from two guest speakers, Tariq H. Butt, MD, President of the Chicago Medical Society, and Michael Mandel, Chief Economic Strategist for the Progressive Policy Institute. Panelists include Michael Hinojosa, Superintendent of the Dallas Independent School District, Dr. Rosalind Osgood, Chair, Broward County Public School Board, Priscila Dilley, Chief Officer of the Leadership Academy Network Schools, and Maritza Guridy, National Parents Union, Northeast Regional Organizer. Asher Lehrer-Small, reporter for The 74 and Tressa Pankovits, co-director of PPI’s Reinventing America’s Schools project will moderate. 

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