
Morning EduClips: School Discipline Showdown, NYC Sends the Worst Teachers to the Neediest Students — and 7 More Must-Reads from America’s 12 Biggest School Districts

EduClips is a roundup of the day’s top education headlines from America’s 12 largest school districts, where more than 4 million students across eight states attend class every day. Read previous EduClips installments here. Get the day’s top school and policy news delivered straight to your inbox by signing up for the TopSheet Education Newsletter.

Top Story

DISCIPLINE The role of two major Obama-era civil rights regulations that the Trump administration is seeking to eliminate took center stage Friday at a hearing by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights on federal laws designed to protect students of color with disabilities from discriminatory disciplinary actions. The panelists sparred on the state of discipline, what research says on the matter, and the federal role in shaping policy. (Read at U.S. News and World Report)


National News

UNIONS Federal Government Switches Sides, Joins Argument for Striking Down Mandatory Dues in Janus Case (Read at The74Million.org)

District and State News

CALIFORNIA — Even as fires close schools, campus kitchens stay open (Read at Los Angeles Times)

NEW YORK De Blasio and Farina are sending the worst teachers to the neediest kids (Read at New York Post)

TEXAS — Ted Cruz does what Texas legislature could not: expand ‘school choice’ (Read at Austin American-Statesman)

NEW YORK — Rich PTA, poor PTA: New York City lawmaker wants to track school fundraising (Read at Chalkbeat)

CALIFORNIA — A few LA charter schools severely skew charter suspension data (Read at School Data Nerd)

 NEVADA — Nevada’s increased education spending tries to hit a moving target (Read at Las Vegas Review-Journal)

ILLINOIS — Hello World’: Chicago children learn coding (Read at Columbia Chronicle)


Think Pieces

DEVOS — A Commentary by Betsy DeVos: ‘Tolerating Low Expectations for Children With Disabilities Must End’ (Read at EdWeek)

READINGA Few PIRLS of Wisdom on New Reading Results (Read at Cato)

INCOME INEQUALITY — Teaching about economic inequality is political, but not the way you think  (Read at Brookings)

EDUCATION POLICY — Third indication U.S. educational system is deteriorating (Read at Hechinger Report)

HIGH SCHOOLS — The only way to fix bad high schools is to start over (Read at Washington Post)

DISCIPLINE — How to think about discipline disparities (Read at Fordham Institute)


Quote of the Day

“If we are willing to revise our assumptions based on better evidence, we should be utterly alarmed that our efforts to fix the school-to-prison pipelines has actually amplified it. We are on a very dangerous road.” —Max Eden, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, on school discipline policies. (Read at U.S. News and World Report)

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