Interactive: See Every Education Issue Prioritized by Governors in 48 State of the State Speeches — From Reopening Schools to Broadband, Mental Health, Teacher Pay & More
Updated April 15
With the new year comes a new series of State of the State addresses from the nation’s governors. Not surprisingly, the coronavirus pandemic has dominated these speeches, with 48 state leaders focusing not only on reopening schools, but also on the need to help students catch up academically and deal with mental health challenges. Perennial issues like raising teacher pay and expanding school choice are also cast in a new light amid the pandemic.
Phyllis Jordan and Brooke LePage of FutureEd, a think tank at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy, and The 74 partnered to identify the forward-looking education initiatives that governors have raised. Below are interactive breakdowns of the governors’ six top topic areas this year — school reopening and recovery; broadband; school choice; teacher pay and support; career and technical education, apprenticeships and workforce; and mental/social-emotional health. Hover over a given state to see the specific proposals for 2021:
Interactive maps created by The 74’s Meghan Gallagher
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