Dissent in the Ranks: AFT Rushes to Endorse Hillary Clinton — Then Endures Online Backlash

Here’s the memo from our pollster—Hart Research, one of top firms in US—on their findings of our member poll http://t.co/mhIt9HfpVQ
— Randi Weingarten (@rweingarten) July 12, 2015

Similarly, a stream of frustrated reactions from educators started circulating on Twitter:
.@HillaryClinton @rweingarten Hillary needs to say where she stands on testing, evaluating teachers by test scores, charters & Common Core.
— Carol Burris (@carolburris) July 12, 2015
Hillary Clinton lost my support when she said #CommonCore “helps you organize your whole education system” http://t.co/olhef9d1GO
— Anthony Cody (@AnthonyCody) July 12, 2015
Did Hillary give a specific education platform? What is her position on testing, evals, charters, CC? @rweingarten
— Chris Cerrone (@Stoptesting15) July 12, 2015
@HillaryClinton @rweingarten @AFTunion Shame on AFT. If you support anybody, it should be @SenSanders
— Tim Farley (@tfarley1969) July 11, 2015
“Long campaigns allows us to fully vet candidates, consider all options, engage allies & opponents…oh, whatever!” http://t.co/ZLphqCEanF
— Andy Smarick (@smarick) July 11, 2015
Exactly who did the @aft poll before endorsing Hillary? The Kardashians?
— lacetothetop (@lacetothetop) July 12, 2015
@gailDrich @HastingsTeacher @HillaryClinton @rweingarten Don’t hold your breath. That obviously wasn’t a prerequisite.Another AFT backstab.
— Elizabeth Lynch (@AJMGrandma) July 12, 2015
.@HillaryClinton can stand with @AFTunion. I’m standing with the kids. #edreform http://t.co/ORra89R4nu
— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) July 11, 2015
Meanwhile, on Change.org, here’s a Monday morning shapshot of where the petition stands:
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