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Mimi Gurbst
Mimi Gurbst is an education consultant who works with superintendents and principals in an effort to improve their communication skills. She conducts large group sessions, and does individual coaching designed around making education leaders more effective and confident when talking to the public and the press. She works with school leaders across the country.
Mimi Gurbst was a senior executive at ABC News for 30 years. She was responsible for the global coverage of news and for the personnel management in the network’s news bureaus. In addition, Mimi served as the Senior Producer of the Evening News. Mimi received the DuPont award in Journalism for the ABC News coverage of 9/11.
She currently teachers Harvard Education’s school doctoral leadership program, and is a presenter at several of Harvard’s post professional education sessions.
She graduated with Honors from Brandeis University and received her Masters Degree in education from Harvard University.